NCCO是 Nano Confined Catalytic Oxidation的英文首字母簡稱,中文名稱是氧聚解空氣處理技術。 NCCO的原理是一邊高效吸附污染物,一邊產生活氧,分解污染物分子之間的化學鍵,把污染物變成水H2O及二氧化碳CO2。
相對市面上大部分的空氣淨化技術,如:活性碳、光觸媒、負離子等,NCCO的效能明顯更勝一籌。 舉活性碳為例,它只能在一段短時間內(壽命一般只有三個月)吸附污染物,並不能分解其污染物。而且,當濾芯飽和後,被吸附的污染物會再次被釋放於空氣中,造成二次污染,對健康造成極大的危害。相反,NCCO則可以循環不息地吸附及分解有害污染物,壽命可長達12年。
NCCO在商業、工業、零售、汽車等範疇都解決過各種棘手的空氣污染問題。它可以處理室內室外的各種空氣污染問題,例如:固體懸浮粒子、重金屬微粒、有毒微生物及新傢俬散發出的甲醛等有害污染物。除此之外,NCCO亦能從根本源頭清除臭味,例如處理公廁、地鐵洗手間、垃圾堆田區等強烈臭味。 NCCO作為革命性的空氣處理技術,深信是未來空氣處理技術的必然發展方向。,造成二次污染,對健康造成極大的危害。相反,NCCO則可以循環不息地吸附及分解有害污染物,壽命可長達12年。
設有空氣品質感測器可即時監測室內空氣質素,空氣抗菌器最頂部設有液晶體顯示屏顯示室內空氣指數,設有1至20空氣品質等級(1=最好, 20=最差)。此即時空氣監測功能現時在市場上是獨一無二的。
*備註: WS907N所顯示的室內空氣指數只設有1-5空氣品質等級 (1=最好,5=最差)
空氣抗菌器底部特設空氣品質指示燈,用家即使在遠距離也容易透過LED顯示燈得知室內空氣情況。空氣品質指示燈會按目前空氣品質變更顏色。(紅色=欠佳, 綠色=尚可, 藍色=良好)
NCCO Air Sanitizer Performances
Kill Virus and Bacteria
- Remove >99.9% Influenza Virus in 15 mins
- Remove >99.9% total Airborne Bacteria
- Remove >99.9% Fungi and Mold
Clear Odor
- Remove >99% total VOCs
Prevent Allergy
- Remove >99% RSP
Breakthrough VOC Air Quality Index and LED Indication mood light
Indicate Air Quality improvement level by:
- Real time air quality improvement level by Digital index 20 = worst, 1 = best on the LCD display
- LED indicating mood light - with light sensing function to adjust environment brightness. Red for dirty, green for moderate and Blue for Clean. The light display at the bottom transparent base adds the aesthetic touch to the overall device structure.
Selection of Fans Modes: Auto/High/Low/Silent
- Allows manual adjust base on the surrounding air quality
- Switch on Auto mode for auto fan control in response to different air quality
- Silent mode for low power consumption (18W)
Professional Airflow Design with user-friendly interface
- Bottom to top airflow and 360° inlet-outlet air circulation maximizes the collection of pollutants on floor, and evenly releases fresh air from top
- The device is operated solely by just 3 easy-buttons
Safe and durable filters
- Both Nano filter and Pre-filter are secured by safety lock. Users are not able to switch on the appliance until the filers are properly installed.
- Pre-filter is washable.
- Nano filter lasts up to 3 years while most filters in the market only last for a year